Julie of Jewels Wandering is a Brazilian Third Culture Kid turned expat and has been blogging through her blog Jewels Wandering of her travel tales.
1. What is your name? I'm Julie.
2. Where were you born? BrasÃlia, DF Brazil
3. What is your heritage? I am fourth generation Japanese Brazilian
4. Where have you lived and how long at each place?
I have lived in Brasilia off and on for a total of 4 years, Rio de Janeiro for 2 years, New York off and on for 10 years, London for 5.5 years, San Francisco for 3, Brussels for 2.5 years, New Hampshire for 2, Tokyo for 2 and Washington DC for 1. Not in that order! I've now been in Singapore for just over 5 years.
5. What is your definition of "home" and how is it different from those around you?
Home is wherever my parents happen to be living, after all, home is where the heart is. Maybe this will change if I ever get married and start a family of my own, but for now, home is wherever my parents are.
6. Where do you consider "home" and why?
My parents have been based out of NYC for the past 12 years and where I have been going to visit them in the past 11. NYC definitely has the connotation of home for me because I also lived there for 8 years before moving to London.
7. Do you have interests in the following: foreign languages, international relations, travelling, international politics, different cultures of the world, etc... Yes/No
If so, do you think your background has helped you develop these interests?
Most definitely YES! Having grown up in different cultures, you invariably end up learning about the political climate of the country and one with which you end up keeping up with, for the most part. And with the different cultures, I am a mish mash of the different cultures from the different countries I grew up in to the point I'm not even sure where it all begins. As for traveling, it's the best thing on earth! I've carried on living the expat lifestyle so I can learn more about different cultures and travel the region where I'm based.
8. What are your thoughts on globalization? Current political situation?
I think globalization is a double edged sword. In one aspect, I think it's great that we are more exposed to different cultures, products, etc but the flip side of that is that everything is being watered down and homogeneous. What was once something different and new and exciting is no longer unique. I could go on and on about the pros and cons of globalization but let's leave it at that!
Let's not even get started on the current political situation.. I prefer to read animal stories now instead of real news....
9. How are your thoughts on world affairs different from those around you?
For the most part, my peers and I are on the same page. But then again, you naturally tend to gravitate towards people with similar views. So while I may not surround myself with friends with opposing views, I do try to read blogs and news from those who don't see the world in the same way as I do.
10. Do you plan on incorporating a large amount of travel with your career?
My career is not super portable, though it has allowed me to work in different countries - NYC, London and now Singapore. And because of that paycheck, I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel. So does that count?
Jewels Wandering www.jewelswandering.com or find her on Instagram @jewels_wandering Twitter @jewelswandering or Facebook Jewels Wandering.
All the pictures in this post were provided by Julie of Jewels Wandering. (c) All rights reserved
All the pictures in this post were provided by Julie of Jewels Wandering. (c) All rights reserved
Thank you Julie for sharing your story!! If you would like to be featured on this series please drop me an email at ahdancecompany@gmail.com
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